How does Dekasan Prickly Heat Powder work?
Dekasan Prickly Heat Powder provides quick relief to irritation. Its cooling properties will leave skin feeling refreshed and comfortable during warm conditions.
Cause of Prickly Heat
Prickly heat is caused by trapped sweat. When the body is hot, it activates the sweat glands to create sweat on the skin. The sweat then cools the skin as it evaporates. When the body is kept in this warm state, the constant sweat production can overload the sweat glands. If untreated, the blocked pores may cause a fungal infection.
Application of Dekasan
When applied to clean dry skin, Dekasan Prickly Heat Powder dissolves the blockage. Continued use will prevent a recurrence.
Solution to Prickly Heat
Dekasan Prickly Heat Powder provides quick relief to irritation leaving skin feeling cool and refreshed during the hottest conditions.